Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Construction Review?

A Construction Review is when a qualified building expert reviews construction that is currently taking place or has recently been completed. The goal is to identify potential problems to ensure the safety, longevity and climate compatibility of the building. It can also include simple guidance in these matters, especially in areas where building codes aren’t used, like some remote indigenous communities.

Why are Construction Reviews so expensive?

Many remote communities do not have local construction experts and thus need experts to visit these regions to conduct professional reviews. This involves the experts having to travel long distances and sometimes even having to charter flights. Once there, these experts might have to wait for extended periods for the next outbound flight. And it doesn’t help that the experts are not always available to make such a time and resource commitment. All these factors drive up the cost of Construction Reviews in remote communities. It also results in some projects not conducting a Construction Review at all, leading to potentially unsafe and inefficient constructions.

3DRBi vs Teleinspection?

Teleinspection is a service FNNBOA provides to help alleviate this problem. Builders take pictures of specific features of the construction for reviewers to evaluate. While this has certainly helped, there was a need to improve this in such a way that reviewers get a more holistic perspective of the entire construction and not merely individual features. 3DRBi addresses this need by using 360-degree cameras to capture the entire construction in detail and allows reviewers to go through the site at their own pace and closely inspect features they want to. To get a better idea of how it works, click here.

Does the scanning process require training?

The scanning process is very simple and does not require specialised training. It is very similar to using a phone or digital camera. That being said, an instructional video guide and documentation will be provided with each application to make this process easier. It will take you through setting up and operating the camera, as well as how to take pictures of the site.